Synopsis of How to Get My Husband on My Side:
The manhwa follows the story of Rudbeckia (Rube), a woman who is reincarnated into a world where her fate has already been determined by a cruel family and an unwanted political marriage. She is forced to wed Sir Izek van Omerta, a knight known for his cold demeanor and loyalty to the crown.
Navigating a world of hostile in-laws, court intrigue, and her husband’s initial indifference, Rube struggles to find a way to survive. Despite her challenging circumstances, she discovers her own inner strength and resolves to win over her husband—not just for survival but also for a chance at true love.
With wit, charm, and determination, Rube sets out to break through her husband’s icy exterior and change her fate, one step at a time.
This manhwa blends elements of romance, drama, and fantasy, with a captivating storyline and detailed artwork that immerses readers in a tale of resilience and love.